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Hydrocyclone Separator
Asset ID: CH-9401
Available: 1
Lakos Filtration hydrocyclone, Model JPL-0650-V/FLG. Has 6 inch inlet/outlet. Flow range 650 to 1200 gpm with pressure loss of 3 to 12 psi. Max pressure 150 psi. S/N 40134-001. Cyclonic separator. Used as Cooling Tower Hydrocyclone.

Asset ID: CH-9401
Available: 1
Hydrocyclone Separator
Lakos Filtration hydrocyclone, Model JPL-0650-V/FLG. Has 6 inch inlet/outlet. Flow range 650 to 1200 gpm with pressure loss of 3 to 12 psi. Max pressure 150 psi. S/N 40134-001. Cyclonic separator. Used as Cooling Tower Hydrocyclone.

Separator ss
Asset ID: TP-4103
Available: 1
Separator for reboiler mfg for Thermal Kinetics by Bota Welding. Material ss304L with cs skirt. Insulated. Mfg by Bota ser num TP-4103, ASME NB# 107, MAWP Design: 75psig/FV at 250F. Size is 5 ft dia x 10 ft s/s x 14 ft OAH. Plus 10 ft cs skirt = 24.8' total height. Capacity approx 1500 gallons. Internal has 8" mist eliminator (demister). See link for drawing. Used for Separator for ET-4103 reboiler

Asset ID: TP-4103
Available: 1
Separator ss
Separator for reboiler mfg for Thermal Kinetics by Bota Welding. Material ss304L with cs skirt. Insulated. Mfg by Bota ser num TP-4103, ASME NB# 107, MAWP Design: 75psig/FV at 250F. Size is 5 ft dia x 10 ft s/s x 14 ft OAH. Plus 10 ft cs skirt = 24.8' total height....

Separator ss
Asset ID: TP-4104
Available: 1
Separator mfg by Bota Welding for Thermal Kinetics . Material ss304L with cs supports. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4104, ASME NB# 108, MAWP 75psig/FV at 250F. Size 3'-6" x 9'-6" s/s ' with 11.7 ft cs skirt and 8" mist eliminator internal. Total height 22.8' Capacity approx 700 gallons. See link for drawing and U-1 form. Used as Separator for ET-4104 condenser

Asset ID: TP-4104
Available: 1
Separator ss
Separator mfg by Bota Welding for Thermal Kinetics . Material ss304L with cs supports. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4104, ASME NB# 108, MAWP 75psig/FV at 250F. Size 3'-6" x 9'-6" s/s ' with 11.7 ft cs skirt and 8" mist eliminator internal. Total height 22.8' Capacity approx 700 gallons....

Separator ss
Asset ID: TP-4201
Available: 1
Separator stainless steel vertical, insulated. Material ss304L with cs supports. Dish top/dish bottom. Size 10'-6" OD x 12' s/s on 11'-2" cs skirt. OAH = 26.5 ft. Capacity approx 7500 gallons. Mfg by JD Cousins ser number N-106 and 1206-9, ASME NB# 8007, MAWP Design: FV/25 psig at 200F. See link for drawing and U-1. Used as Thermal Kinetics First Effect Separator

Asset ID: TP-4201
Available: 1
Separator ss
Separator stainless steel vertical, insulated. Material ss304L with cs supports. Dish top/dish bottom. Size 10'-6" OD x 12' s/s on 11'-2" cs skirt. OAH = 26.5 ft. Capacity approx 7500 gallons. Mfg by JD Cousins ser number N-106 and 1206-9, ASME NB# 8007, MAWP Design: FV/25 psig at 200F....

Separator ss
Asset ID: TP-4202
Available: 1
Separator vertical pressure tank, built by Central Fabricators, ser num N-105. Material ss304L with cs supports. Size 12 ft dia x 12 ft s/s on 11'-2" cs skirt. Capacity approx 10,000 gallons. ASME NB 2226 MAWP 25 psi/FV at 200F. See link for drawing and U-1 . Used as Thermal Kinetics Second Effect Separator.

Asset ID: TP-4202
Available: 1
Separator ss
Separator vertical pressure tank, built by Central Fabricators, ser num N-105. Material ss304L with cs supports. Size 12 ft dia x 12 ft s/s on 11'-2" cs skirt. Capacity approx 10,000 gallons. ASME NB 2226 MAWP 25 psi/FV at 200F. See link for drawing and U-1 ....

Oil Separator Tank ss
Asset ID: VS-4204
Available: 1
Vertical stainless steel tank mfg by SpecFab. Size 14" dia x 5 ft s/s for capacity of approx 55 gallons. ASME NB# 72 MAWP 205 psig at 300F. Mfg sn 90. Material SA-312-TP304. See drawing and data sheet in Links. Used as Fusel Oil Separator.

Asset ID: VS-4204
Available: 1
Oil Separator Tank ss
Vertical stainless steel tank mfg by SpecFab. Size 14" dia x 5 ft s/s for capacity of approx 55 gallons. ASME NB# 72 MAWP 205 psig at 300F. Mfg sn 90. Material SA-312-TP304. See drawing and data sheet in Links. Used as Fusel Oil Separator.

Hydrasep Oil Water Separator
Asset ID: X2064
Available: 1
Hydrasep Oil/Water Separator. Horizontal, carbon steel, insulated. Hydrasep 1

Asset ID: X2064
Available: 1
Hydrasep Oil Water Separator
Hydrasep Oil/Water Separator. Horizontal, carbon steel, insulated. Hydrasep 1

Hydrasep Oil Water Separator
Asset ID: X2066
Available: 1
Hydrasep Oil/Water Separator. Horizontal, carbon steel, insulated. Serial number 5000119. Volume 1,184 gallons. Atmospheric pressure. Hydrasep 2

Asset ID: X2066
Available: 1
Hydrasep Oil Water Separator
Hydrasep Oil/Water Separator. Horizontal, carbon steel, insulated. Serial number 5000119. Volume 1,184 gallons. Atmospheric pressure. Hydrasep 2

Hydrasep Oil Water Separator
Asset ID: 2448
Available: 1
Hydrasep Oil/Water Separator. Horizontal
Hydrasep HS-1500-BD. Biodiesel laminar flow separators. The patented Hydrasep laminar flow separator is designed to continuously separate glycerin from methyl ester and
wash water from methyl ester without any moving parts or coalescing media, eliminating the need for power consumption and periodic overhaul. Carbon steel construction, horizontal 48" dia x 18' OAL, On saddles and steel frame so OAH is approx 6 ft. Designed for 48 gpm flow rate. Inlet/Outlet 4". Volume 1,742 gallons, Operating volume 1,213 gallons, empty weight 4,670 pounds. Built 2008. Serial number 5000357. Removed and ready to load.

Asset ID: 2448
Available: 1
Hydrasep Oil Water Separator
Hydrasep Oil/Water Separator. Horizontal Hydrasep HS-1500-BD. Biodiesel laminar flow separators....

Hydrasep Oil Water Separator
Asset ID: 2449
Available: 1
Hydrasep Oil/Water Separator. Model HS-2000-BD.
Biodiesel laminar flow separators. The patented Hydrasep® laminar flow separator is designed to continuously separate glycerin from methyl ester and wash water from methyl ester without any moving parts or coalescing media, eliminating the need for power consumption and periodic overhaul. Carbon steel construction, horizontal 54" dia x 20'-1" OAL, On steel frame. Designed for 69 gpm flow rate. Inlet/Outlet 4". Operating volume 1,752 gallons, empty weight 5,861 pounds. Serial # 5000361. Removed and ready to load.