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All Assets from Category 'Condensate flash'
13 Results
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Flash Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4105
Available: 1
Flash tank, vertical. Material ss304L with cs supports. Size 48" dia x 118" s/s with a 96" cs skirt. OAH = 20 ft. Capacity approx 1118 gallons. Insulated. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4105, ASME NB# 109, MAWP FV/50psig at 250F. Cone bottom, dish top. See link for drawing and U-1 form. Used as Thermal Kinetics CO2 Flash Vessel
Asset ID: TP-4105
Available: 1
Flash Tank ss
Flash tank, vertical. Material ss304L with cs supports. Size 48" dia x 118" s/s with a 96" cs skirt. OAH = 20 ft. Capacity approx 1118 gallons. Insulated. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4105, ASME NB# 109, MAWP FV/50psig at 250F. Cone bottom, dish top. See link for drawing and U-1 form....
Condensate Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4107
Available: 1
Condensate drum, horizontal on saddles, insulated. Thermal Kinetics Design: Mfg by Bota ser num TP-4107, ASME NB# 111, MAWP 75psig/FV at 400F. Material 304L ss. Size 2 ft dia x 4 ft s/s. Capacity about 100 gallons. Design 30sec retention time, Used as 200 Proof Cond. Drum
Asset ID: TP-4107
Available: 1
Condensate Tank ss
Condensate drum, horizontal on saddles, insulated. Thermal Kinetics Design: Mfg by Bota ser num TP-4107, ASME NB# 111, MAWP 75psig/FV at 400F. Material 304L ss. Size 2 ft dia x 4 ft s/s. Capacity about 100 gallons. Design 30sec retention time, Used as 200 Proof Cond. Drum
Flash Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4110
Available: 1
Vertical stainless steel tank, used as flash tank. Material ss304L with cs supports. Size 24" OD x 60" s/s. On 64" legs for 138" OAH. Approx capacity 100 gallons. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4110, ASME NB# 113, MAWP Design: 75psig at 250F. See link for drawing and U-1A. Used as Thermal Kinetics TW-4102 Flash Tank
Asset ID: TP-4110
Available: 1
Flash Tank ss
Vertical stainless steel tank, used as flash tank. Material ss304L with cs supports. Size 24" OD x 60" s/s. On 64" legs for 138" OAH. Approx capacity 100 gallons. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4110, ASME NB# 113, MAWP Design: 75psig at 250F. See link for drawing and U-1A....
Flash Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4112
Available: 1
Vertical flash tank stainless steel 304L, insulated, on cs skirt. Material ss304L. Dish top/funnel bottom. Size 54" OD x 140" s/s with 96" skirt. OAH 261". Capacity approx 1300 gallons. Mfg by Bota Welding for Thermal Kinetics, ser num TP-4112, ASME NB# 114, MAWP FV/25 psi at 230F. Cone bottom/dish top. See link for drawing and U-1. Used as Thermal Kinetics Mash Flash Cooler #1
Asset ID: TP-4112
Available: 1
Flash Tank ss
Vertical flash tank stainless steel 304L, insulated, on cs skirt. Material ss304L. Dish top/funnel bottom. Size 54" OD x 140" s/s with 96" skirt. OAH 261". Capacity approx 1300 gallons. Mfg by Bota Welding for Thermal Kinetics, ser num TP-4112, ASME NB# 114, MAWP FV/25 psi at 230F....
Flash Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4113
Available: 1
Flash Tank, vertical stainless. Size 54" OD x 12 ' s/s x 21.75' OAH. (includes 95" cs skirt). Capacity approx 1200 gallons. Insulated, Material ss304L. Cone bottom, dish top. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4113, ASME NB# 115 MAWP FV/25 psi at 230F. See link for drawing and U-1. Used as Thermal Kinetics Mash Flash Cooler #2
Asset ID: TP-4113
Available: 1
Flash Tank ss
Flash Tank, vertical stainless. Size 54" OD x 12 ' s/s x 21.75' OAH. (includes 95" cs skirt). Capacity approx 1200 gallons. Insulated, Material ss304L. Cone bottom, dish top. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4113, ASME NB# 115 MAWP FV/25 psi at 230F. See link for drawing and U-1....
Condensate Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4204
Available: 1
Condensate tank, horizontal on saddles. Size 24" OD x 44" s/s for capacity approx 85 gallons. Material ss304L. ASME Nat'l Bd# 118 MAWP 25psig/FV at @150F. Use link for drawing and data. Last used as Thermal Kinetics ET-4204 Condensate Drum
Asset ID: TP-4204
Available: 1
Condensate Tank ss
Condensate tank, horizontal on saddles. Size 24" OD x 44" s/s for capacity approx 85 gallons. Material ss304L. ASME Nat'l Bd# 118 MAWP 25psig/FV at @150F. Use link for drawing and data. Last used as Thermal Kinetics ET-4204 Condensate Drum
Condensate Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4205
Available: 1
Horizontal condensate drum on saddles. Insulated. Size 42" dia x 68" s/s for capacity of approx 400 gallons. Material ss304L with cs supports. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4205 ASME NB# 116 MAWP 25psig/FV at 200F. See link to drawing and U-1A. Used as Thermal Kinetics 1st Effect Evap Condensate Drum in DDE
Asset ID: TP-4205
Available: 1
Condensate Tank ss
Horizontal condensate drum on saddles. Insulated. Size 42" dia x 68" s/s for capacity of approx 400 gallons. Material ss304L with cs supports. Mfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4205 ASME NB# 116 MAWP 25psig/FV at 200F. See link to drawing and U-1A....
Flash Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4207
Available: 1
Flash Tank size 4'-0" dia x142" s/s x 23.5 OAH (includes 10 ft cs skirt). Material ss304L. Capacity approx 1112 gallons. Mfg by Boto Welding for Thermal Kinetics ser num TP-4207, ASME NB# 117 MAWP FV/25 psi at 200F. Cone bottom/dish top See link for drawing. Used as Whole stillage flash tank in DDE
Asset ID: TP-4207
Available: 1
Flash Tank ss
Flash Tank size 4'-0" dia x142" s/s x 23.5 OAH (includes 10 ft cs skirt). Material ss304L. Capacity approx 1112 gallons. Mfg by Boto Welding for Thermal Kinetics ser num TP-4207, ASME NB# 117 MAWP FV/25 psi at 200F. Cone bottom/dish top See link for drawing....
Condensate Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4303
Available: 1
Horizontal condensate tank on saddles. Size 42" dia x 68" s/s for capacity approx 400 gallons. Material ss304LMfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4303 ASME NB# 120 MAWP FV/25 psi at 220F. Material ss304L. 30sec retention time Used as Regen condensate tank at Lurgi tower in DDE.
Asset ID: TP-4303
Available: 1
Condensate Tank ss
Horizontal condensate tank on saddles. Size 42" dia x 68" s/s for capacity approx 400 gallons. Material ss304LMfg by Bota Welding ser num TP-4303 ASME NB# 120 MAWP FV/25 psi at 220F. Material ss304L. 30sec retention time Used as Regen condensate tank at Lurgi tower in DDE.
Condensate Tank ss
Asset ID: TP-4304
Available: 1
Condensate tank, horizontal on saddles. Size 42" OD x 68" s/s for capacity of 400 gallons Material ss 304L. Insulated. ASME Nat'l Bd# 121 MAWP 25 psi/FV at 220F. Last used as De-Pressurize. Cond. Tank 30sec retention time. At Lurgi tower DDE
Asset ID: TP-4304
Available: 1
Condensate Tank ss
Condensate tank, horizontal on saddles. Size 42" OD x 68" s/s for capacity of 400 gallons Material ss 304L. Insulated. ASME Nat'l Bd# 121 MAWP 25 psi/FV at 220F. Last used as De-Pressurize. Cond. Tank 30sec retention time. At Lurgi tower DDE
Condensate Flash Tank
Asset ID: TP-9102
Available: 1
Vertical condensate flash tank, carbon steel. Size 2'-6" dia x 6' s/s. On 4' legs for 11' OAH. Mfg by GMW ser 40046A, ASME MAWP FV/175 psi at 376F. Capacity approx 200 gallons. This tank was built in 2006 – used in 2008, then drained and idled since then. Essentially like new condition – no steam wear.
Asset ID: TP-9102
Available: 1
Condensate Flash Tank
Vertical condensate flash tank, carbon steel. Size 2'-6" dia x 6' s/s. On 4' legs for 11' OAH. Mfg by GMW ser 40046A, ASME MAWP FV/175 psi at 376F. Capacity approx 200 gallons. This tank was built in 2006 – used in 2008, then drained and idled since then....
Flash Tank
Asset ID: TK-2304
Available: 1
Vertical tank stainless 304 rated at Full vacuum psig at 212F. Size is 6' ID x 9' s/s for a capacity of approx 1834 gallons. Insulated, Dome top, dome bottom, on cs skirt 7 ft tall. OAH = 17 ft 8 in. Has baffle and vortex breaker. 24" flanged manway, 10" inlet, 16" vapor outlet, 12" discharge. Material is SS304, sn11595 Used as CO2 Flash Tank.
Asset ID: TK-2304
Available: 1
Flash Tank
Vertical tank stainless 304 rated at Full vacuum psig at 212F. Size is 6' ID x 9' s/s for a capacity of approx 1834 gallons. Insulated, Dome top, dome bottom, on cs skirt 7 ft tall. OAH = 17 ft 8 in. Has baffle and vortex breaker....
Condensate Flash Tank
Asset ID: VS-7201
Available: 1
Steam Condensate Flash Receiver mfg by SpecFab. Sn 93x. ASME MAWP 150 psig internal pressure/FV at 400 F. Material carbon steel SA-516-70. Physical size 59" ID x 11' 4" s/s x 0.375 thk. On 5 ft 10" legs. Approx 19 ft 6 in OAH. Insulation 3 inches. Approx capacity 1,937 gallons. Used as Steam Condensate Flash Receiver.