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All Assets from Category 'Slurry & recirculation'
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Water Recirc System Skid
Asset ID: AF97
Available: 1
Slurry tank system consisting of skid with vertical stainless steel tank, (2) Grundfos pumps. SS skid size is 98" x 68" x 84" tall. No agitation - Tank size is 5 ft dia x 6 ft tall for capacity of 850 gallons. Flat bottom, dish top with hinged manway lid. (atmospheric). Grundfos pumps are CRN15-08 A-FGJ-G-E-HOQE. Model A96127009-P11101551 designed for 90 gpm at 528 ft hd. Turning at 3444 rpm. Motor is 15 HP 3500 rpm 460/3/60. Supplies pressing water to Outotec Larox PF1.6 filter system. Part of Outotec Laroc Pressing System

Asset ID: AF97
Available: 1
Water Recirc System Skid
Slurry tank system consisting of skid with vertical stainless steel tank, (2) Grundfos pumps. SS skid size is 98" x 68" x 84" tall. No agitation - Tank size is 5 ft dia x 6 ft tall for capacity of 850 gallons. Flat bottom, dish top with hinged manway lid. (atmospheric)....

Slurry Tank, Rectangular
Asset ID: AF17
Available: 1
Slurry tank mixing and pumping system. TK-46 Backwater Tank. Stainless steel rectangular tank with 2 pumps at top. Size of tank is 4 ft x 4 ft x 3 ft tall. OAH 84". Two pumps are Penguin immersible pumps Model PX-15AK-HF driven by 15HP motor. Pump A has 15HP motor at 2850 rpm and pump B has 15HP motor at 3450 rpm.