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COP Tanks & Systems
Asset ID: 1975
Available: 20
Clean Out of Place (C.O.P.) tanks - .All stainless steel 304. These are all new tanks. The quote offered is for this configuration but we offer 4 different sizes and configurations.
COP tank length 10 ft x width 24 " x depth 22 ". Overall height 40 ". Internal spray manifolds and external spray manifolds. Solution pump: 5 HP 3,500 rpm 230v 3/60. Includes (4) 6" caster wheels. See tank drawing in Document Link.
- For 6 foot long COP tank subtract $1,500 from quotation
- For 8 foot long COP tank subtract $600 from quotation
- For 12 foot long COP tank, add $1,350 to quotation
- Note: a pipe draining rack can be provided, we can furnish COP tanks with or without recirculating pump
The above outlined Clean Out of Place (C.O.P.) Tanks may be available for shipment, from the manufacturer’s factory (China) in an estimated 60 days from date of receipt of an order. Shipping time from the manufacturer’s factory to a California Port of Disembarkation is currently erratic; however, believed to be 21-25 days.
Terms of Payment:
Fifty Percent (50%) deposit with your order
Fifty Percent (50%) balance when ready for shipment