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All Assets from Category 'Pressure vessel'
13 Results
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Flash Tank Drum
Asset ID: 31-V-156
Available: 1
Steam Flash Drum to atmospheric. Manufactured by Precision Pipe & Vessel in 2009. ASME rated MAWP 150/FV T 250F. Material carbon steel. Note: This flash drum is stacked on top of 31-V-164. Part of Absorber & cleanup module FP311

Asset ID: 31-V-156
Available: 1
Flash Tank Drum
Steam Flash Drum to atmospheric. Manufactured by Precision Pipe & Vessel in 2009. ASME rated MAWP 150/FV T 250F. Material carbon steel. Note: This flash drum is stacked on top of 31-V-164. Part of Absorber & cleanup module FP311

Steam Drum
Asset ID: 41-V-180
Available: 1
Steam drum by Nebraska Boiler, built 2009. Horizontal, ASME Nat'l Bd# 877, MAWP 800 psig/FV at 350F, Stainless steel SA-312-304. Physical size 42" dia x 120" s/s x 0.5" shell (11'-3" OAL) for 107cf or 720 gallons. Used as Catalytic Converter steam drum. Part of Catalytic Converter module FP411

Asset ID: 41-V-180
Available: 1
Steam Drum
Steam drum by Nebraska Boiler, built 2009. Horizontal, ASME Nat'l Bd# 877, MAWP 800 psig/FV at 350F, Stainless steel SA-312-304. Physical size 42" dia x 120" s/s x 0.5" shell (11'-3" OAL) for 107cf or 720 gallons. Used as Catalytic Converter steam drum. Part of Catalytic Converter module FP411

Steam Blowdown Drum
Asset ID: 41-V-630
Available: 1
Steam drum manufactured by Precision Pipe & Vessel in 2009. ASME MAWP 150 psig/FV at 550F, Nat'l Bd# 893, s/n CV-0893. Material is SA312-TP347. Physical size is 24"dia x 8'-6" s/s, OAH 11'-10" for capacity of 185 gallons. Used as a steam blowdown drum

Asset ID: 41-V-630
Available: 1
Steam Blowdown Drum
Steam drum manufactured by Precision Pipe & Vessel in 2009. ASME MAWP 150 psig/FV at 550F, Nat'l Bd# 893, s/n CV-0893. Material is SA312-TP347. Physical size is 24"dia x 8'-6" s/s, OAH 11'-10" for capacity of 185 gallons. Used as a steam blowdown drum

Sulfur Guard Bed Vessel
Asset ID: 41-V-196
Available: 1
Sulfur guard bed vertical vessel. ASME Nat'l Bd 897, MAWP 1650 at 550F, s/n CV-0891 . Mfg by Precision Pipe & Vessel in 2009 - used only 42 days - like new. Material is carbon steel SA-516 70N. Physical size is 4' dia x 14'-4" s/s, approx 23 ft OAH for a capacity of 1410 gallons. Loaded with Haldor Topsoe HTZ-4 sulphur absorption catalyst.

Asset ID: 41-V-196
Available: 1
Sulfur Guard Bed Vessel
Sulfur guard bed vertical vessel. ASME Nat'l Bd 897, MAWP 1650 at 550F, s/n CV-0891 . Mfg by Precision Pipe & Vessel in 2009 - used only 42 days - like new. Material is carbon steel SA-516 70N. Physical size is 4' dia x 14'-4" s/s, approx 23 ft OAH for a capacity of 1410 gallons....

Horizontal Decanting Vessel
Asset ID: V-1506
Available: 1
Horizontal carbon steel pressure vessel. Decanter and Liquid Knock Out. Built by Confab s/n 64866. ASME Nat'l Bd# 28, rated at 184 psig at 350F (1269 kpa at 177C). Approx size 6.5 ft dia x 18 ft long T/T for 4,468 gallon capacity. Weight: Approx. 12000-15000 lbs. Last used as Decanter in ethanol plant - see schematic link. Insulation has been removed. Tank has been removed and is ready for loading. - price includes loading

Asset ID: V-1506
Available: 1
Horizontal Decanting Vessel
Horizontal carbon steel pressure vessel. Decanter and Liquid Knock Out. Built by Confab s/n 64866. ASME Nat'l Bd# 28, rated at 184 psig at 350F (1269 kpa at 177C). Approx size 6.5 ft dia x 18 ft long T/T for 4,468 gallon capacity. Weight: Approx. 12000-15000 lbs....

Knock Out Pot
Asset ID: ME-3203
Available: 1
Knock out pot Mfg by SpecFab, vertical stainless steel. MAWP 14 psig, Serial number 101. Used as a knock out pot to protect blower BL-3202 CO2 scrubber system. Still installed.

Asset ID: ME-3203
Available: 1
Knock Out Pot
Knock out pot Mfg by SpecFab, vertical stainless steel. MAWP 14 psig, Serial number 101. Used as a knock out pot to protect blower BL-3202 CO2 scrubber system. Still installed.

Knock Out Pot
Asset ID: VS-3201
Available: 1
Vent Gas Knock-out pot mfg by Jogler. Rated at FV psig external pressure and 50 psig internal pressure at 150 F. Material 304/L SS. Used as vent gas knock out pot. Sn1802268. Part of complete package including blower, pump, structural, see asset PK-3201. For a list of components, enter pk3201 in search on web site.

Asset ID: VS-3201
Available: 1
Knock Out Pot
Vent Gas Knock-out pot mfg by Jogler. Rated at FV psig external pressure and 50 psig internal pressure at 150 F. Material 304/L SS. Used as vent gas knock out pot. Sn1802268. Part of complete package including blower, pump, structural, see asset PK-3201....

Condensate Receiver
Asset ID: VS-4205
Available: 1
Vertical condensate tank on legs mfg by Wheeler tank sn 11746. ASME NB # 15765 MAWP 150 psig at 450F.

Asset ID: VS-4205
Available: 1
Condensate Receiver
Vertical condensate tank on legs mfg by Wheeler tank sn 11746. ASME NB # 15765 MAWP 150 psig at 450F.

Air Receiver Pressure Tank 200 Gallons
Asset ID: AF1
Available: 1
Air receiver by Manchester Tank. Vertical on base. Size 28" dia x 55: s/s on base for 78" OAH. Capacity 200 gallons. ASME Nat'l Bd # 270535 MAWP 300 psi at 400F. Also CRN certified.

Asset ID: AF1
Available: 1
Air Receiver Pressure Tank 200 Gallons
Air receiver by Manchester Tank. Vertical on base. Size 28" dia x 55: s/s on base for 78" OAH. Capacity 200 gallons. ASME Nat'l Bd # 270535 MAWP 300 psi at 400F. Also CRN certified.

Vertical Tanks ss
Asset ID: 1966
Available: 3
Vertical insulated stainless steel tank, working capacity 5,548 gallons (21,000 liters). NEW - still at factory in China. Tank is stainless 316 with insulation and ss304 cladding. Tanks are designed for and built to ASME at an internal design pressure 7.5 bar (112.5 psig) and a working pressure of 6.5 bar (94.25 psig) although they are not certified by ASME. On legs for OAH 7892 mm (25.9 ft). Flange connections are metric 200mm pipe RF flange. Side 500mm manhole. Tanks were for a project that wasn't built. On factory floor now as surplus, ready to ship. Priced as each tank. See tank drawing.

Asset ID: 1966
Available: 3
Vertical Tanks ss
Vertical insulated stainless steel tank, working capacity 5,548 gallons (21,000 liters). NEW - still at factory in China. Tank is stainless 316 with insulation and ss304 cladding....

Condensate Receiver
Asset ID: X2042
Available: 1
Condensate receiver. Must be measured but size approx 1.5 ft dia x 8 ft for capacity 100 gallons. Located Next to Control Room

Asset ID: X2042
Available: 1
Condensate Receiver
Condensate receiver. Must be measured but size approx 1.5 ft dia x 8 ft for capacity 100 gallons. Located Next to Control Room

Pressure Tank
Asset ID: X2061
Available: 1
Vertical carbon steel pressure tank with side manhole. ASME MAWP 200 psig at 400F. stamped pressure vessel. Approx size 36" dia x 8 ft tall for 400 gallon capacity. Last used in biodiesel service as VLF break tank. Serial No. 428040

Asset ID: X2061
Available: 1
Pressure Tank
Vertical carbon steel pressure tank with side manhole. ASME MAWP 200 psig at 400F. stamped pressure vessel. Approx size 36" dia x 8 ft tall for 400 gallon capacity. Last used in biodiesel service as VLF break tank. Serial No. 428040

Vacuum Pressure Tank
Asset ID: X2087
Available: 1
Vertical carbon steel pressure tank (vacuum). Need nameplate specs and must be measured but size approx 3 ft dia x 15 ft tall. used as oil dryer