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Filter Press 200 sf Plate & Frame
Asset ID: 7384
Available: 1
### Durco plate & frame filter press 200sf ###
- Has 16 Polypropylene plates 32mm + head plate & tail plate, 8.5 cu ft cake capacity.
- Plates are approx 30 in x 30 in = 200 sf surface area (will have to be verified).
- Can dewater slurries from 3 to 30% solids - last used in biodiesel service.
- Hydraulic cylinder closing ram.
- Model EP-G800/32-16 EP Sidebar Filter Press, 100 psi.
Built in 2009, used 2 years then idled in 2011. New filter cloths were installed right before idling. Press is removed and ready to load.

Asset ID: 7384
Available: 1
Filter Press 200 sf Plate & Frame
### Durco plate & frame filter press 200sf ### - Has 16 Polypropylene plates 32mm + head plate & tail plate, 8.5 cu ft cake capacity. - Plates are approx 30 in x 30 in = 200 sf surface area (will have to be verified)....

Plate and Frame Filter Press 200 sf
Asset ID: X2025
Available: 1
Plate and frame filter press, hydraulic closure with hydraulic unit. Was operated with 25 plates - can hold up to 50 poly plates. Plates are 630mm x 630mm (2ft x 2ft). This press is shown with all 50 plates but 25 of these belong to the other press. - Chinese maker. Filter area 200 sq ft. (Max capacity 60 m2 = 645 sq ft). Estimated 1 inch to 1.25" cake so capacity is estimated at 8-10 cu ft. Serial 202104042 South one - Priced Separately

Asset ID: X2025
Available: 1
Plate and Frame Filter Press 200 sf
Plate and frame filter press, hydraulic closure with hydraulic unit. Was operated with 25 plates - can hold up to 50 poly plates. Plates are 630mm x 630mm (2ft x 2ft). This press is shown with all 50 plates but 25 of these belong to the other press. - Chinese maker. Filter area 200 sq ft....

Plate and Frame Filter Press 200 sf
Asset ID: X2026
Available: 1
Plate and frame filter press, hydraulic closure with hydraulic unit. Was operated with 25 plates - can hold up to 50 poly plates. This press is shown with no plates but 25 will be furnished from the other press. - Chinese maker. Filter area 200 sq ft. (Max capacity 60 m2 = 645 sq ft). Estimated 1 inch to 1.25" cake so capacity is estimated at 8-10 cu ft. Serial 202104043 North one

Asset ID: X2026
Available: 1
Plate and Frame Filter Press 200 sf
Plate and frame filter press, hydraulic closure with hydraulic unit. Was operated with 25 plates - can hold up to 50 poly plates. This press is shown with no plates but 25 will be furnished from the other press. - Chinese maker. Filter area 200 sq ft. (Max capacity 60 m2 = 645 sq ft)....

Plate and Frame Filter Press 2362 sf
Asset ID: F3000
Available: 4
### McLanahan Recessed Plate Filter Press 2362sf Like NEW ###
- These 4 presses were installed and tested - never ran in production
- Polypropylene plates - plate size 2m x 2m (approx 6.5 ft x 6.5 ft).
- Two presses have 151 plates for 1961 sq ft surface area. Press model pe035e34 (Membrane)
- Two presses have 180 plates for 2362 sq ft surface area. Press model pe035e42 (Recessed Plates)
- Pressure rating at 200 psi
- Approx size 843 inches long x 109 inch wide x 169 inch tall, weight each about 140 tons
- Discharge opening 89 inch x 613 inch
- Each press has integral hydraulic system
Overhead beam design. The Overhead Beam style results in faster opening and closing for greater production and better cake release in tailings applications. It also provides larger plate openings for better cleaning and maintenance access. Unlike the traditional plate and frame presses, McLanahan’s Filter Press line features modern recessed plates or membrane plates, both of which create a chamber for dewatering the slurry without trapping the cakes within the frames. This allows the dewatered cakes to discharge more easily than with traditional plate and frame presses. McLanahan’s membrane filter plates offer higher production rates for compressible slurries or slurries that require a cake wash or cake blow.
**Priced for the LOT - Qty (4) presses**

Asset ID: F3000
Available: 4
Plate and Frame Filter Press 2362 sf
### McLanahan Recessed Plate Filter Press 2362sf Like NEW ### - These 4 presses were installed and tested - never ran in production - Polypropylene plates - plate size 2m x 2m (approx 6.5 ft x 6.5 ft). - Two presses have 151 plates for 1961 sq ft surface area....

Filter Press, Plate and Frame 50 sf
Asset ID: 2120
Available: 1
### Della Toffola 16: x 16" Plate and Frame Filter Press ###
Plate and Frame Filter Press with stainless steel framework. Manufactured by Della Toffola. Filter has 14 frames, each measuring approximately 1 7/8 inch wide and 15 plates, each measuring approximately 5/8 inch. Approximate filter area 50 sq ft.

Asset ID: 2120
Available: 1
Filter Press, Plate and Frame 50 sf
### Della Toffola 16: x 16" Plate and Frame Filter Press ### Plate and Frame Filter Press with stainless steel framework. Manufactured by Della Toffola. Filter has 14 frames, each measuring approximately 1 7/8 inch wide and 15 plates, each measuring approximately 5/8 inch....

JWI J-Press 1500 mm Filter Press
Asset ID: 1088
Available: 1
### JWI J-Press 1500 mm ###
Evoqua Water Technologies (now part of Xylem) 1500 mm J-Press. Model #1500N32-76-150SYLC. Filter area 3075 sq ft. 76 plates. Cake thickness 32 mm, Capacity 150 cu ft. Low Operating Hours. Less than 60 days in operation.
The J-Press filter press is one of the most versatile dewatering devices on the market, being used in a wide variety of industrial and municipal applications. The J-Press filter press can be used to recover both solids and liquids from a waste or process stream. With superior materials of construction, the J-Press filter press is especially useful in the dewatering of aggressive acid and alkali suspensions.

Asset ID: 1088
Available: 1
JWI J-Press 1500 mm Filter Press
### JWI J-Press 1500 mm ### Evoqua Water Technologies (now part of Xylem) 1500 mm J-Press. Model #1500N32-76-150SYLC. Filter area 3075 sq ft. 76 plates. Cake thickness 32 mm, Capacity 150 cu ft. Low Operating Hours. Less than 60 days in operation....

J-Press 1000 mm Filter Press
Asset ID: 1089
Available: 1
**Reconditioned US Filter J-Press**
Model: 1000G32-36-30SYLC,
Serial: F07121.
37 Poly Plates Total (including end plates)
Press Capacity: 30 Cu Ft
Cake Thickness 32 mm
Filtration Area 613 Sq Ft
Max Feed Pressure: 100 PSI
Max Squeeze Pressure: 100 PSI
Air Supply Pressure: 100 PSI
HYD Clamping Pressure: 3200 PSI
Relief Pressure: 3600 PSI