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Gearbox + Motor 15HP
Asset ID: A-1306
Available: 1
Right angle gearbox and motor, for top entering tank agitator. Model XCEL 500. Motor is 15 HP, 1800 rpm. United Equipment Technologies Corp. Includes Falk Right angle gear box. Output 47 rpm. This is gearbox and motor only - used. [Photos of shaft and blades are included for info only to indicate prior service - not available. Shaft diameter : 3.5". Came from 26 ft dia tank x 39.5ft tall ] Idled since 2012.

Asset ID: A-1306
Available: 1
Gearbox + Motor 15HP
Right angle gearbox and motor, for top entering tank agitator. Model XCEL 500. Motor is 15 HP, 1800 rpm. United Equipment Technologies Corp. Includes Falk Right angle gear box. Output 47 rpm. This is gearbox and motor only - used....

Gearbox + Motor 10HP
Asset ID: A-1400
Available: 1
Gearbox and motor - inline. Was originally used for top entering agitator, United Equipment Technologies Model Xcel-22, S/N C1641-7B. Falk right angle gear box. Includes Motor 10HP, 1800 rpm. [Photos of shaft and blades are included for info only to indicate prior service - not available. Shaft diameter : 2.75". Came from 28 ft dia tank x 39 ft tall ] Idled since 2012.