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Vertical Multistage Pumps and MCC
Asset ID: PK-2097
Available: 2
Simflo Vertical 7-stage Multistage pump. Motor is 300 HP, 3565 rpm 460v 3/60 inverter duty. Model SD10C. (New model cross references to SP10L - same pump). Pump designed for 600 gpm at 1245 ft TDH. Includes MCC with VFD drives and the portable building the MCC is in.
* You are only purchasing two pumps with motors (no piping or anything in background of the pictures). Purchase DOES include complete MCC building w/ VFD's and MCC. Will be an oversized load. Price is for the LOT.
Package Includes:
- Two (2) Simflo (Simmons) Vertical pumps
Model SD10C (SP10L is new model # but same pump)
7-Stage, 600 gpm at 1245 ft/head, 300 HP
Bowl dia 10.19", BEP head 158 ft per stage
- MCC Portable Building
- MCC 4000A Cutler-Hammer Advantage Series 2100
480 V 3 Phase 3-wire 60 Hz
3200 A Sect.1-2 800 amp Sect.3-5 1200 amp
w/ 4000 amp Main and Breakers for each VFD/pump and includes spare breaker
- Starters installed in MCC
(2) Allen-Bradley VFD's - CAT # 1336E-BP350-AN-CM-EN
AC Input: 300-378 KVA 380-480 V 455 amps 50/60 Hz 3 Phase
AC Output: 366 KVA 0-460 V 459.2 amps 0-400 Hz 3 Phase
- Allen Bradley PanelView 1000 plc controls
This pump package is used. It was in good working order when idled and removed in late 2023. Units are removed and ready to load.