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Exhaust Hood
Asset ID: E2364
Available: 1
Exhaust hood Dimensions: 76"W x 61"D galvanized

Asset ID: E2364
Available: 1
Exhaust Hood
Exhaust hood Dimensions: 76"W x 61"D galvanized

Exhaust hood
Asset ID: E2366
Available: 1
Exhaust hood 72"W x 56"D galvanized

Asset ID: E2366
Available: 1
Exhaust hood
Exhaust hood 72"W x 56"D galvanized

Asset ID: ME-4571
Available: 1
Methanator flare fed by 1/2" natural gas line. Located on top of methanator bldg.

Asset ID: ME-4571
Available: 1
Methanator flare fed by 1/2" natural gas line. Located on top of methanator bldg.

Asset ID: X-5210
Available: 1
Disintegrator. Size 84" dia x 42" wide cold disintegrator. Beater section 3' 6" wide x 84" dia. Overall dimensions 10' 6" length x V-belt drive (5 grooves) by 150 HP motor at 900 rpm for an operating speed of 278 rpm TEFC frame 449T 460/3/60. See link for drawing.

Asset ID: X-5210
Available: 1
Disintegrator. Size 84" dia x 42" wide cold disintegrator. Beater section 3' 6" wide x 84" dia. Overall dimensions 10' 6" length x V-belt drive (5 grooves) by 150 HP motor at 900 rpm for an operating speed of 278 rpm TEFC frame 449T 460/3/60. See link for drawing.

Condensate Package
Asset ID: Z-4101
Available: 1
Condensate collection package. Includes Wheeler tank vertical and Goulds condensate pump (see asset PC-4101) 3x4-10 pump/motor/bedplate. Mfg by Campbell Sevey sn 4872-B ASME NB # 12171 MAWP 150 psig at 450F. Used as Beer column condensate collection package. Physical size of skid is approx 4' W x 9'8" L x 12-'8" Tall. Estimated total weight 3,000 lbs. If take tank off for shipping, Tank would be 3' W x 12'-5" L x 4' Tall and Skid would be 4'W x 9'8"L x 7'4" Tall.

Asset ID: Z-4101
Available: 1
Condensate Package
Condensate collection package. Includes Wheeler tank vertical and Goulds condensate pump (see asset PC-4101) 3x4-10 pump/motor/bedplate. Mfg by Campbell Sevey sn 4872-B ASME NB # 12171 MAWP 150 psig at 450F. Used as Beer column condensate collection package....

Transesterification Skid Primary
Asset ID: X2083
Available: 1
Reactor skid for transesterification of oil for biodiesel. Used for 1st stage transesterification. Missing all IKA shear pumps and mixers. Still has 3 mass flow meters. Primary skid. This skid is named "Plant 3" in IKA drawings. See GA and ISO in Links.

Asset ID: X2083
Available: 1
Transesterification Skid Primary
Reactor skid for transesterification of oil for biodiesel. Used for 1st stage transesterification. Missing all IKA shear pumps and mixers. Still has 3 mass flow meters. Primary skid. This skid is named "Plant 3" in IKA drawings. See GA and ISO in Links.

Transesterification Skid Secondary
Asset ID: X2084
Available: 1
Reactor skid for transesterification of oil for biodiesel. This skid is named "Plant 4" in IKA drawings. Secondary skid.See GA and ISO in Links

Asset ID: X2084
Available: 1
Transesterification Skid Secondary
Reactor skid for transesterification of oil for biodiesel. This skid is named "Plant 4" in IKA drawings. Secondary skid.See GA and ISO in Links

Transesterification Skid 3rd Stage
Asset ID: X2085
Available: 1
This skid is named "Plant 5" in IKA drawings. See GA and ISO in Links.

Asset ID: X2085
Available: 1
Transesterification Skid 3rd Stage
This skid is named "Plant 5" in IKA drawings. See GA and ISO in Links.

Asset ID: JE-3150
Available: 1
HydroHeater. Jet cooker. Mfg by Hydro Model K513-AS. Serial number 61992. Direct steam injection for jet cookers. Uses a Fisher pneumatic reverse-acting diaphragm actuator. Wetted parts 316 ss, stellite internals. Rated at 150 psi at 400F. Designed for ethanol "beer" at 576 gpm 150F IN/185F OUT. Density 8.24, 12% solids. Connections: 4" inlet, 4" discharge. Overall length 58". See Links for more information (Note: Drawing is for a different model K514 and is shown as representative only. All sizes and weights are not correct for a K513 hydro Heater).

Asset ID: JE-3150
Available: 1
HydroHeater. Jet cooker. Mfg by Hydro Model K513-AS. Serial number 61992. Direct steam injection for jet cookers. Uses a Fisher pneumatic reverse-acting diaphragm actuator. Wetted parts 316 ss, stellite internals. Rated at 150 psi at 400F....

Cavitation Reactor
Asset ID: 2446
Available: 1
### Shockwave Power Reactor ###
Shockwave Power ( cavitation ) Reactor. Model BD50.Total input flow rate is 100gpm, driven by 200HP, and an annual capacity of 55MM / gallon ( based on continuous flow and 95% uptime. Idled in 2019
Harnessing the power of cavitation, the Shockwave Power Biodiesel Reactor drives the transesterification reaction to completion in seconds. In true continuous or batch systems, the SPR gives biodiesel producers greater feedstock flexibility and the power to achieve consistently superior quality. The SPR can improve processes to reduce monoglycerides and reduce catalyst utilization.

Asset ID: 2446
Available: 1
Cavitation Reactor
### Shockwave Power Reactor ### Shockwave Power ( cavitation ) Reactor. Model BD50.Total input flow rate is 100gpm, driven by 200HP, and an annual capacity of 55MM / gallon ( based on continuous flow and 95% uptime....

Cavitation Reactor
Asset ID: 2447
Available: 1
### Shockwave Power Reactor ###
Shockwave Power ( cavitation ) Reactor. Model BD15. Total input flow rate is 30 gpm, driven by 60 HP motor, and an annual capacity of 15MM / gallon (based on continuous flow and 95% uptime). Idled in 2019
Harnessing the power of cavitation, the Shockwave Power Biodiesel Reactor drives the transesterification reaction to completion in seconds. In true continuous or batch systems, the SPR gives biodiesel producers greater feedstock flexibility and the power to achieve consistently superior quality. The SPR can improve processes to reduce monoglycerides and reduce catalyst utilization.

Asset ID: 2447
Available: 1
Cavitation Reactor
### Shockwave Power Reactor ### Shockwave Power ( cavitation ) Reactor. Model BD15. Total input flow rate is 30 gpm, driven by 60 HP motor, and an annual capacity of 15MM / gallon (based on continuous flow and 95% uptime)....

Fischer-Tropsch Reactors
Asset ID: B-1012
Available: 1
Velocys Fischer-Tropsch reactors - NEW, Never Used. Each reactor was designed to run 175 barrels per day. Quantity (4) reactors - priced for the LOT.
Also avaiable (6) charges of catalyst for these 4 reactors

Asset ID: B-1012
Available: 1
Fischer-Tropsch Reactors
Velocys Fischer-Tropsch reactors - NEW, Never Used. Each reactor was designed to run 175 barrels per day. Quantity (4) reactors - priced for the LOT. Also avaiable (6) charges of catalyst for these 4 reactors

Reactor Hydrogenation
Asset ID: 1751
Available: 1
Hydrogenation reactor stainless steel 304. NEW reactor - Volume 20 cu M for a 12.5 MT batch size. (5358 gallons) Has edible oil capacity of 42,000 pounds - designed to run 35,000 pound batches. Cylindrical tank with heating/cooling coils, nozzles for oil, sight glass, hydrogen ports, top mounted agitator. MAWP 90 psig at 500F. OD 2000 mm x height 8000 mm. Shipping dimensions L x W x H are 8000 x 2300 x 2500. Will fit into a 40 ft HC container. NEW reactor so we can design to your needs - lead time 10-12 weeks. FOB India Port Nhava Sheva

Asset ID: 1751
Available: 1
Reactor Hydrogenation
Hydrogenation reactor stainless steel 304. NEW reactor - Volume 20 cu M for a 12.5 MT batch size. (5358 gallons) Has edible oil capacity of 42,000 pounds - designed to run 35,000 pound batches....

Asset ID: AF4
Available: 1
Reactor vessel. Stainless steel reactor. Material assumed to be ss304. Custom reactor for particle production with gas feeds site ports, instrument ports. Dwyer differential pressure transmitter. Stir/agitator motor drive for shaft at top, 10HP at 1770 rpm. Reactor size is 34" dia x 98" tall for capacity of 350 gallons Mounted on carbon steel frame. Frame size is 53" x 59" x 157" tall.

Asset ID: AF4
Available: 1
Reactor vessel. Stainless steel reactor. Material assumed to be ss304. Custom reactor for particle production with gas feeds site ports, instrument ports. Dwyer differential pressure transmitter. Stir/agitator motor drive for shaft at top, 10HP at 1770 rpm....

Catalytic Converter Reactor
Asset ID: 41-R-168
Available: 1
Catalyst Converter designed for 3.9 MMBTU/hr. Design specifications are for 14,500 gallons/day crude methanol or 12,500 gal/day mixed alcohols. Mfg by Wagner Plate Works in 2009. Size approx 7 ft dia ID x 19'-11" s/s x 31 ft overall height for approximately 7,600 gallons capacity - tube bed approx 17 ft long. Has 1,028 x 1.9" O.D. tubes Sch 80 stainless steel TP304L, shell cs 516-70 4 inch thick. ASME Nat'l Bd# 55, MAWP shell 2250 psig/FV at 650 F. MAWP tubes 1650 psig at 650F. Converter currently loaded with approx 150 cu ft methanol catalyst - Sud Chemie MegaMax 700. Still installed - price does not include removal. Shipping size will be about 12 ft x 12 ft x 35 ft long. Note: we have the complete reactor module as well with all pieces shown in photos plus instruments - see asset ID FP411.

Asset ID: 41-R-168
Available: 1
Catalytic Converter Reactor
Catalyst Converter designed for 3.9 MMBTU/hr. Design specifications are for 14,500 gallons/day crude methanol or 12,500 gal/day mixed alcohols. Mfg by Wagner Plate Works in 2009....

Deodorizer Vessel SS
Asset ID: 7472
Available: 1
### 500 Gallon Deodorizer Vessel Design ###
- **NEW**, not built yet so we can design to your specs.
- Size: 42 in Dia by 7 ft sidewall with dished top and bottom heads
- Rating: Full Vacuum at 500 F. MOC: 304L SS, Coils: 304L SS Sch 80 pipe rated 150 psig at 300 F for Cooling Water with 15 turns Sparger Coil: 304 L with 3 turns and 10 - 1/8" holes facing down
- Nozzles: 2 in Oil Inlet, 2 in Oil Outlet, 1 in Temperature Transmitter, 1 in Pressure Transmitter, 8 in Vacuum, 1 in Sample, 18 in Manhole, 2 in sight glass, 1 in CW in, 1 in CW out, 1 in Steam In, 8 in heater flange
- Supports: 4 Lugs
All vessels are designed and constructed according to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division I, but will NOT be 'U' stamped. In addition, the system and components are designed to facilitate maintenance where required. Delivery: 8 to 12 weeks after final drawing approval. Photo is not actual Deodorizer Vessel - similar item shown for reference only.

Asset ID: 7472
Available: 1
Deodorizer Vessel SS
### 500 Gallon Deodorizer Vessel Design ### - **NEW**, not built yet so we can design to your specs. - Size: 42 in Dia by 7 ft sidewall with dished top and bottom heads - Rating: Full Vacuum at 500 F....

Vacuum System Steam Ejector
Asset ID: 7114
Available: 1
2 Stage steam ejector vacuum system. Gardner Nash Kinema Master Serial number 844042: barometric condenser PY, 1st stage steam ejector Y, intercondenser YZ, and 2nd stage steam ejector Z. Gardner Nash Kinema project #1961499, sales order# 1407528. Last used with a thin film dryer. System removed and ready to load. RD-?

Asset ID: 7114
Available: 1
Vacuum System Steam Ejector
2 Stage steam ejector vacuum system. Gardner Nash Kinema Master Serial number 844042: barometric condenser PY, 1st stage steam ejector Y, intercondenser YZ, and 2nd stage steam ejector Z. Gardner Nash Kinema project #1961499, sales order# 1407528. Last used with a thin film dryer....

Vacuum System Steam Ejector
Asset ID: 7115
Available: 1
2 Stage steam ejector vacuum system. Nash Kinema Master serial # 844402, serial number for the set 9104082. Barometric condenser PY, 1st stage steam ejector Y, intercondenser YZ, 2nd stage steam ejector Z. Missing 2nd stage steam ejector (EJ-0315) but we can order it for you. Used - Last used with a thin film dryer - removed and ready to load. RD-79

Asset ID: 7115
Available: 1
Vacuum System Steam Ejector
2 Stage steam ejector vacuum system. Nash Kinema Master serial # 844402, serial number for the set 9104082. Barometric condenser PY, 1st stage steam ejector Y, intercondenser YZ, 2nd stage steam ejector Z. Missing 2nd stage steam ejector (EJ-0315) but we can order it for you....

Vacuum Eductor Jet Pump
Asset ID: VE-4301
Available: 1
Vacuum eductor Jet Pump using water as motive force pulling vacuum on evap condenser E-4503 to Molecular sieves. Tyco Model ELL6. Water inlet 6"/outlet 6". Vapor inlet to chest is 4". Designed for vapor input of 60.6 scfm at 105F. Material 316 stainless steel. Motive fluid ethanol/water (68%/32%) at 95F, 100 psig. Vacuum suction fluid air, CO2, ethanol & water vapor at 2 psia 60.6 scfm. See spec sheet in Link.

Asset ID: VE-4301
Available: 1
Vacuum Eductor Jet Pump
Vacuum eductor Jet Pump using water as motive force pulling vacuum on evap condenser E-4503 to Molecular sieves. Tyco Model ELL6. Water inlet 6"/outlet 6". Vapor inlet to chest is 4". Designed for vapor input of 60.6 scfm at 105F. Material 316 stainless steel....

Steam Ejectors
Asset ID: B2078
Available: 3
Graham Steam Ejector System 2-stage, Includes 8" Barometric Precondenser water rated FV & 15 psig. SN: 17-14060-1. We count (6) precondensrs, and 5 steam ejectors. Incomplete systems. There should be (3) complete sets there but Buyer will have to inspect. Two skids - priced for the LOT.

Asset ID: B2078
Available: 3
Steam Ejectors
Graham Steam Ejector System 2-stage, Includes 8" Barometric Precondenser water rated FV & 15 psig. SN: 17-14060-1. We count (6) precondensrs, and 5 steam ejectors. Incomplete systems. There should be (3) complete sets there but Buyer will have to inspect. Two skids - priced for the LOT.

Ultra High Vacuum System
Asset ID: V1001
Available: 1
### Ultra-high Vacuum (UHV) system ###
Vacuum system is designed to simulate the space environment of a geosynchronous satellite. This includes considerations for vacuum, temperature, radiation, and other factors. Base pressures 1 x 10(-9) to 1 x 10 (-10) torr. Main pieces listed below - See Details of each in Link.
- Vacuum Chamber: Ultra-high vacuum chamber with all sensors / gauges to simulate the space environment of geosynchronos satellites
- Pumping System, Pfeiffer molecular diffusion vacuum pump
- Temperature Control
- Monitoring and Control System
- Safety System, interlocks
- Radiation Simulation
- Solar Simulation

Asset ID: V1001
Available: 1
Ultra High Vacuum System
### Ultra-high Vacuum (UHV) system ### Vacuum system is designed to simulate the space environment of a geosynchronous satellite. This includes considerations for vacuum, temperature, radiation, and other factors. Base pressures 1 x 10(-9) to 1 x 10 (-10) torr....

Cooling Tower Fans
Asset ID: BF-9420
Available: 1
Two cooling tower fans - sold as a set. Tower is not moveable - fans and drives only for sale. Fan description: Hudson induced draft fans 14 ft dia - 8 blades, blade type H. Designed for 316,690 cfm. Fan speed 272 rpm. Each fan has a right angle gear unit Amarillo Gear. Driven by 75 HP motor. See links for data sheet and drawing. Used as cooling tower blades for DDE Evap. Qty (2) - priced for the set

Asset ID: BF-9420
Available: 1
Cooling Tower Fans
Two cooling tower fans - sold as a set. Tower is not moveable - fans and drives only for sale. Fan description: Hudson induced draft fans 14 ft dia - 8 blades, blade type H. Designed for 316,690 cfm. Fan speed 272 rpm. Each fan has a right angle gear unit Amarillo Gear....

COP Tanks & Systems
Asset ID: 1975
Available: 20
Clean Out of Place (C.O.P.) tanks - .All stainless steel 304. These are all new tanks. The quote offered is for this configuration but we offer 4 different sizes and configurations.
COP tank length 10 ft x width 24 " x depth 22 ". Overall height 40 ". Internal spray manifolds and external spray manifolds. Solution pump: 5 HP 3,500 rpm 230v 3/60. Includes (4) 6" caster wheels. See tank drawing in Document Link.
- For 6 foot long COP tank subtract $1,500 from quotation
- For 8 foot long COP tank subtract $600 from quotation
- For 12 foot long COP tank, add $1,350 to quotation
- Note: a pipe draining rack can be provided, we can furnish COP tanks with or without recirculating pump
The above outlined Clean Out of Place (C.O.P.) Tanks may be available for shipment, from the manufacturer’s factory (China) in an estimated 60 days from date of receipt of an order. Shipping time from the manufacturer’s factory to a California Port of Disembarkation is currently erratic; however, believed to be 21-25 days.
Terms of Payment:
Fifty Percent (50%) deposit with your order
Fifty Percent (50%) balance when ready for shipment